Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Detective

Still Early Saturday 9/25/10-  I feel like i should be on my knees groveling the way this man showed up.  Looking all smug and like he knew it all.  "want to tell me what happened" he said-   no i dont want to tell you jackass, i just wanted to wake your ass up, make you drive down here so i can see the pretty face of yours.  I was raped knew before you came down that that's what this call that so rudley woke you up in the morning was about.
So tell me what lead up to this-  ME:   "I met 6 men thursday night"  Det- "your were hanging around 6 men? by yourself?"  ME: let me guess, i didnt get to finish my sentence but your telling me this is my fault.  What is the matter with you?"  
DET:  I am just doing my job mam, i need to get some answers so I can investigate
ME: If you hadnt stopped and judged me already you would have those answers

At this point, the responding officer comes over and takes me away from the situation for a bit.  He could tell I wasnt having any of this pompous Detective.  He calmed me down and I was able to answer all questions

We then take some cars over to the house, as its only 2 blocks away.  All of the men are still in the house, as well as my shoes, my underwear and my cell phone.  I tell the police the rapist used a condom, they could find the wapper on the table next to the bed.
Police are able to find my phone and shoes and return them to me.
Police also recover and take as evidence my underwear from the floor, my attackers underwear from my bed, and a condom he was quick enough to stash into a cup of thinking hes done this before.

Im waiting outside, bystanders are walking by asking what happen, I flat out tell them I had been raped.
Officers bring out the mens id's for me to pick my attacker, they are all such old pictures i wasnt sure.  I begged to go back in and indentify the son of a bitch-  they finally let me. I enter the house, im told the others were sitting on the couch right next to him, but the only guy i saw was my rapist, sitting calmly and smugly, still with that little grin in the side of his mouth. I lunged at him but the officers caught me and took me back outside.

Next I am headed to the hospital with the initial responding officer to have a rape kit done....i am told the boys were all taken to the station, had samples taken , were questioned, etc.....I was even told an arrest would be made.

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