Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Best Day Yet

Wed 9:00 AM 11/10/10-

Woke up this morning feeling better then ever!
The sun is actually out today and thats a rarity around here, my town is basically the Seattle of the east coast.

Woke up at 8, took my time getting ready for work, actually made myself look somewhat professional for the first time since I was raped. I feel great today.

I should be feeling like crap because the detective i spoke to last night completely backtracked on what he had told me before......but I dont.  I  feel like myself again.  I cant control how fast or slow the lab processes my kit.  I cant control how terribly the police department is handling my case. I am in control of none of it so why stress about it?

Not to mention, I got something I didnt even know I wanted last night.  I got confirmation that my rapist and his friends are reading this and are scared.  They too must be thinking about what they did to me every day. I am not the only one with crazy thoughts running through my mind.  They think about what has been done, and they are scared.  They even posted their comments under the screen name Leverage.....clever.....LOL.
This blog scares my rapist, that makes writing all of my emotions and all of the details of my live worth it.

I will no longer respond to any comments my rapist or his friends post because this blog is not about conversing with them. This blog is therapy for me.  I am saying what I need to say, I am saying what I feel......and right now, I feel I dont need to converse with these people.
I will however continue to make jabs at them sometimes....well because lets face it, I hide behind humor and it makes me feel better to make fun of how pathetic this "man" is.

I finally have confirmation of at least something in this case and that is comforting. I have confirmation that my rapist is scared . I also have confirmation that my rapist is immature and uneducated as he had to resort to name calling and  used the defense that you cant rape the willing......really?????  You have to default to a statement like that??? to me, you making that statement is your admission that you raped me.  Does anyone else see that?? That defense of yours just proved you raped just admitted to having sex with me....I was raped me. Congratulations rapist, you just proved my case

Today is a great day. Police department take your time....I know you will anyway.  Get the case right.  My rapist is scared.  I can go on with my life knowing that and knowing that my life isnt over. My life can be great again, and it will be.

I finally feel like myself again........and its because my rapist just proved in his own words that he raped me.
Once again I ask the a thank you card appropriate?? LOL , O wait, no one will give me your name so I guess A thank you and an E-Hug will have to do.
You may have destroyed my life for a while there, but last night you gave it all back and then some.

To everyone all over the world....and to the few new countries that joined reading this blog last night. Have a fantastic day and I wish you all well-

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