Friday, November 5, 2010



While I am glad to see the NOPD so public about how they are once again "revamping" how they handle rape cases, Im finding their actions to be completely questionable.

Go to - There is a picture of a man, accused of rape, charges have just been filed.
Lets just think about this.

I have a few things to say
1)   Irresponsible journalism-  This picture was intially posted with very little information, including pointing out that no details were available.......seriously?  How does this happen.  Lets all run out and trash this man's life without getting a single detail behind why charges actually came to fruition...... As you all know, I am all for naming rapists and making it public.....but information needs to be available to the public before such a thing is done.
2)  The Leaders involved with "revamping" the sex crimes division are so backed into a corner right now, that they seem to be reporting to the media or holding press conferences once a week to reiterate the fact that they are making changes.  Now I dont know how this story got released to the press....but if the department did so in order to draw more attention to the fact that they have cleaned up their act and have made an arrest from a rape in June, Im pretty disgusted.     In my dealings with the department I had initially been treated with hostility and now im just getting the run around.  I wouldnt be suprised if the department was behind trying to make this local man an example that their changes are working

If this man wasnt a locally "famous" person, would the press have plastered his picture like that?  Is NOPD behind the splashing of this story out to the media trying to prove they are taking action?

You decide

Its now approx 1 hour after I posted this, and Im not claiming to have anything to do with anything, but I have a feeling most that read the original article felt the same way- the entire article has been re-written......interesting

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