Sunday, December 5, 2010

panic at work

sunday 12/5/10- 2:50 PM

Im still at work. I am the only person here, yet i am having a panic attack. I cant stop shaking, I just want to go home. Im freaking out.  I forgot to put the ativan back in my purse after freaking out yesterday so I have nothing to calm my nerves. I cant get home because i know its stupid to try driving when this is happening.
What the hell am I supposed to do

why is this all of a sudden getting so bad. I have been fine lately.  what the hell is my problem.  I just want to sit here and cry, but for some reason i cant cry. My mind is racing , my hands are shaking. I have no idea what is happening. and why now of all times. I was just sitting here,  doing my work.

The only thing I can think that set this all off was anxiety over that party.  But the party is over so why am I still panicking.  As of right now, I am no longer going to leave my house to attend anything but work.  I just cant. For some reason, social situations seem to set me off.  I think things might be easier if I just stay home.  Its not worth forcing myself to go places and hang out with people if it is going to make me crazy. 
I am seriously considering just taking a leave of absence from having friends for a bit.  that way i wont feel guilty when I tell them I dont want to go somewhere with them....that way I dont have to explain to people why I am not going out and doing things.   Until I can stop panicking I need to do what I can to keep myself sane.  Having to do things because others want me to just is not helping me right now.  I am ok with fixing myself and then explaining to them later that I just needed some time.

I just cant understand why everything becomes a panic attack.  What is wrong with me?  I never used to panic, i never used to shake.  I feel so pathetic and helpless


Jess said...

I think your panicking today not bc of social situations but bc of what lies ahead of you... you are getting VERY big news this week! It would be a nervous wreck too!

Tanya said...

Hey girlie,
Its gonna happen for awhile. Just when you think you're fine you find out...not so much. I still go through that. The man that raped me called me a few months ago bc a family member gave him my number and damn if all that shit didn't come back in spades! I haven't seen or spoken to him in years and as soon as I heard the vm I knew it was him. It felt as if it was the beginning all over again. I'M SOOO PROUD OF YOU