Friday, October 8, 2010

Criminals Get Ready, Time to do your Thing

Just your weekly reminder.....rapists (and probably criminals in general), your chances of being arrested are significantly less starting tonight......ITS THE WEEKEND..... NOPD doesnt try as hard on the weekend.  Im assuming once third shift comes on or however it works with police departments, that the city is yours for the taking......While the officers actually do their jobs and may detain you for questioning, the Detectives wont be bothered so the officers will have let you go.   To all of the hard working officers of the NOPD that do their job.....I apologize that I have to refer to your department as a whole in my complaint..... You do not deserve the bad reputation your Detectives are giving you.

I got up feeling pretty good today, made it to work by 6:45 and getting ready to start my day.  I am looking forward to the weekend, mainly because if I wanted to....and i just might want to, I dont have to set foot out of bed until Monday morning comes around.  I made no plans. - thats a lie, I do have plans.....I have a full 48 hours to do non-stop research on every single criminal offense I can find to get this "man" with- I refuse to just go after him on one charge, Im coming at him with everything I can find..... If I can prove this "man" even Jay walked that night I will press charges-   Good thing I have a laptop, that still means I dont have to get out of bed.

7:15- For the first time in days I went back to the newspapers website to see if people were still talking.  Most are saying I am in this for attention because I am counting hits on my site-  Not my purpose- I am pointing out hits to show that people are listening.  Whether they think I deserved what I got or they feel I am right people are interested. The reason I sent tweets to celebrities was to try to draw attention to this issue, you are absolutely correct on that.....but it is not attention on me I am seeking, I am seeking attention on the issue.
Others think I need to leave the already hurting department alone- that my claim isnt true and that I am just tarnishing an already destroyed name- Also not true. To me, I was raped....go ahead, call me a nutbag or whatever term you choose. I will not back down from a fight when I know I am right. 
People are entitled to their own opinions, but the fact that they choose to express them with hatred or disparaging remarks says a lot about them.  I refuse to stoop that low and start ripping into these people and calling them names, because when it comes down to it, that really doesnt get you anywhere.   I know the facts of this case, I know what went on, what lead up to this. They are giving opinions on something that they cant possibly fully comprehend, So while I appreciate that they are taking interest and voicing their opinion, I choose not to let it get to me.  If everyone in America agreed on everything we wouldnt have the need for a judicial system.  
Throughout my life I have respected the law and our judicial system.  I believe that while sometimes the system gets it wrong, it works. Everything has flaws.  I am counting on the system working for me. I am counting on this case getting attention and showing victims of rape that it may just be worth it to put up with all of the BS you have to go through even to just get someone to listen to you. 
So bring on your negativity, bring on your name calling, bring on your attacks or whatever you want, I will not back down and I will not attack you back.  My purpose is not to get in a pissing match with those of you who feel the need to prove you have a large penis.  My purpose is to push for what I think is right and I will continue to do so -    I challenge all those who are name calling and saying this wasnt rape , to educate yourselves on law and victims rights-  Maybe you can prove me wrong- I am willing to accept that, but until I have hard proof in my hands that I have no legal recourse in this matter, I am pushing forward.

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