Sunday, October 3, 2010

Friday's mind

Friday 10/1/2010- I can put September behind me. 
I wake up at 4 AM-  bizarre,crazy out of sorts dreams. Very real.- I am able to fall back to sleep, its now 6:10 and I feel well enough to get out of bed. Im fighting off this cold well,  just a small cough and a slightly stuffy nose, my eyes are no longer puffy but still a little sore. I am having issues with vaginal itching hoping that when my GYN opens they will have an available appointment.
Im in the bathroom drying off my legs and something catches the corner of my eye.  Its that bruise on my left thigh.  It has gotten even more dark and bigger in size...when is it going to turn that ugly yellowish color?? When is it going to start healing? I glance at my left forearm- its starting to turn that yellow color - it is starting to fade- im hoping my memories will go with it-  Once that bruise is gone, thats one less reminder of what has happened.
Jumpstart is on my Tv- Adam Lambert once again- I laugh, get dressed and im off to work.

6:50- I get to work.....yes it only takes me 40 minutes from the time I get up to when I get to work. I shower get dressed and go with wet hair and no make-up.  I dont need to look pretty to do my job well.
I sit down and a thought crosses my mind-
      The NOPD is keeping my rape kit "in house" as opposed to outsourcing which is their usual protacol. The only thing repeatedly told to me is that they have been following protacol throughout this entire investigation ...or lack there of.   Why break protacol now?  Why does a woman have to parade through town and speak to the media in order to have action taken on her rape case?  I am told that by not outsourcing that my samples will be processed and returned faster....what about that woman that the SANE nurse was seeing prior to seeing me.  How long is it going to take for her to get results?  Rape victims should not have to put pressure on a department and demand results to be taken seriously. 
At first I think that they are rushing my DNA to get me results....this is great!!!!!  or is it?  What if they are keeping my kit in house so its easier to cover up?  What if they want to try and make a fool out of me for drawing attention to their very flawed department....a department of which to my understanding just had a recent overhaul in the sex crimes division due to inaccuracy in reporting rape cases.  Would they try to cover this up? Can they do that??  Can I request the remaining portions of my kit go to a secondary lab for confirmation of findings?? I hope it doesnt come to that....but I will definately push for it if I feel I have been wronged.
7:01 AM- I am still waiting for that call from NOPD....apparently the word "Daily" in New Orleans doesn't mean every 24 hours.  Thank goodness I knew better than to hold my breath.

***sorry to break this post up- my family has just shown up.....and the Saints game is about to start.....I will continue writing post game***   Go Saints!

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