Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thank You!

A huge thank you to the person that posted a comment to my blog directing me to today.

There was an article posted this morning regarding rape being reported as a "21" miscellaneous incident or noncriminal complaint.  This article states that the NOPD has been under reporting rape since at least 2008 and classifying most under this "21" code......  very coincidental that I chose to post about my 21 yesterday, but just solidifies my point

The article encourages victims from previous years that feel their case was handled improperly to contact the dapartment and their investigation will be re-opened.
I also encourage these victims to come forward.....but I also caution them.  While the department had been overhauled in June of this year, I still had to deal with being reported as a 21 and treated by most that I encountered that I was at fault.

The people in charge now may be better than in previous years.....but the department is a far cry from where it needs to not expect to be involved in much of the investigation as I have asked question after question,day after day and still get no answers.

Under reporting rape is not confined to New is a nation wide issue that people need to be held accountable for.  This issue must be confronted and change needs to be made.  Speak up....its the way things get started.
Please contact the department if you are one of these victims and dont take no for an answer.  Dont expect all sunshine and rainbows because your case is getting looked into again.   The process is extremely long and emotionally draining.....but stand up for yourself, know that you are not alone, and there are people willing to stand by your side every step of the way......I will personally fly back down to New Orleans upon the request of anyone that feels they need support.

I am not letting my rape case get pushed to the side, I am not sitting around hoping for the best.  I am educating myself on what I can do, how I can help and what I need to expect from all of this.  Please become active, while you shouldnt have to prove your case, its the unfortunate reality of society today.

Take a stand and fight back- New Orleans has already taken steps to resolve this issue....maybe the rest of the country will start to pay attention.

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