Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thank You All

4:16 Wed 10/20/10-

I just want a minute to thank anyone and everyone that is reading this, even if you disagree with me.
This is an issue that needs to be addressed on so many different levels.

Over 2,000 page views have been tracked so far from 12 different countries.  US, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Guatemala, South Africa, Philippines and Austria.

This clearly is an issue that from the looks of it is more than just an issue in the US. I hope word continues to spread about this....although I do have to admit this is a bit of a challenge not knowing what the people that are taking interest in this are thinking.
In all reality, it really shouldnt matter what anyone thinks, I know what happened and thats all that matters.
As much as I play this off like I dont care what others think, I do.  If you disagree with me, thats fine, if youre on my side even better, If your just in the middle and find this mentally stimulating thats fantastic too.

I started this blog as a way to deal with being raped and vent about how terribly I was treated and in doing so, I became immersed in this topic that turns out to be a very big issue our country and maybe even world seems to have....  What started as me coping became a way for me to hopefully help others.  I hope there are victims that read this and decide maybe it is worth the fight.  I hope there are just interested individuals that had no idea under reporting of rape was such a big issue and decide to educate themselves and spread the word and maybe take action themselves.  I had no idea of this issue before it happened to me, and I am ashamed that it took this happening for me to pay attention.   I hope there are people that read this and think Im a complete nutcase and believe nothing I doesnt matter really, I got you to pay attention, I am raising awareness.  Like me or not, this issue is real and something needs to be done.

So thank you to everyone, you have given me a bit of a lifeline and I am grateful to have this outlet


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